ERIAFF (European Regions for Innovation in Agriculture, Food and Forestry)
ERIAFF is a Brussels network which aims to affect the development and contents of the European Innovation Partnership for Productivity and Sustainability in Agriculture. Furthermore ERIAFF gathers together European forestry operators and works to influence the forest matters discussed in the EU level.

ERIAFF serves as an intermediary between the European Union and local actors in the regions. During the network’s existence, the members of ERIAFF have established thematic working groups around questions which they find important to themselves. The network promotes the establishment of partnerships in the following themes, among others:
- Biodiversity and ecosystem services
- Bioeconomy
- Climate change mitigation and preparing for the effects of climate change
- Innovative products and services within production chain
- Agricultural productivity and effective use of resources
- Food security, food safety and healthy lifestyles
East and North Finland EU office participates in ERIAFF meetings in Brussels and keeps the East and North Finnish actors up to date with what is happening in the network.
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