East and North Finland in Industrial Transition
The regions of East and North Finland (ENF) have long traditions in co-operation. A new phase in the collaboration was launched in early 2018 when the ENF regions were chosen as one of European Commission´s pilot areas to develop new approaches based on smart specialisation. The pilot was called Regions in Industrial Transition or as we like to call it, ELMO.
ELMO collaboration is about shaping the future of the ENF regions together. The core of the collaboration consists of smart specialisation that leads the way to identifying regional strengths and competences. The goal is to develop new practices that help enterprises to utilise the expertise and versatile network of innovation platforms in the ENF area.
The first phase of the ELMO collaboration produced the East and North Finland in industrial transition -smart specialisation strategy 2019-2023. In the second phase, we put the strategy to use in order to support industries, growth and employment in the ENF regions. We welcome you to follow the work that we do for the regions in the East and North Finland.
About ELMO Project
As a result of taking part in the European Commission´s Industrial Transition piloting, the regions of East and North Finland produced a joint smart specialisation strategy in 2018. To contribute to the implementation of the strategy, a joint project was designed and applied.
The East and North Finland Industrial Transition – From Strategy to Practise is a joint co-ordination project that is administered by the Regional Council of Lapland.
The aim of the coordination project is to create a cluster development model based on the existing network of innovation platforms in the ENF area, which will provide support services to SME´s. After the end of the project, there are collaborative models and cluster structures in the ENF area that support business. Good practices have been identified and a basis for future joint development actions have been found.
To enable the implementation of the joint strategy, the coordination project also develops common communication practices for East and North Finland and organises events to support inter-regional collaboration between relevant stakeholders. Project will also facilitate in applying membership of the Vanguard Initiative for the East and North Finland in order to gain visibility and to promote networking among other European regions.
Duration of project
May 8 2019 – December 31 2021
The project has been funded from the European Regional Development fund. Total budget 499 620 € of which national and ERDF funding 399 696 €.
For more information
To learn more about ELMO, see HERE.
Contact information
Project manager
Paula Heikkilä