ECA (European Clusters Alliance)
The European Cluster Alliance (ECA) brings together European clusters that employ almost 61.8 million people in different countries. The Alliance is made up of 15 national cluster associations and more than 800 cluster organizations at European level. East and North Finland participates in the alliance as one of the national cluster associations.

The European Cluster Alliance is a forum for cooperation that highlights the interests, needs and opportunities of clusters in Europe and globally. It creates a cluster community that has a direct connection to the realities, challenges, and activities of leading clusters. ECA has a close and trust-based relationship with DG GROW, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs. Thus, ECA brings clusters together and connects them with the EU institutions and facilitates the creation of solutions to current and future challenges. The Alliance places industrial clusters at the heart of Europe’s innovative ecosystem for economic development and growth.
The goals of the European Cluster Alliance are:
- Promoting rapid and agile cluster cooperation at European level, strengthening the cluster network, and sharing good practice.
- Promoting the internationalization of cluster members and the visibility of European clusters.
- Developing joint recommendations and position papers for public administrations at national, regional and EU levels.
- Cooperation with other networks and organizations that support clusters in Europe and worldwide.
- Exploring, promoting, and defending the common interests of the cluster community.
- Promoting the legal recognition of the role of clusters by European and international institutions.
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